Kabarpendidikan.id University Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA is one of the Universities that builds community service through its services that was arrange, one of which is through Technical Guidance (Bimtek) in the Preparation of Proposals for Community Service Grants from the Kemen-Ristek Funding 2022 which is held offline in the Mini Theater Room 1, III Floor, Faculty of Economics and Business Building. Uhamka Business (24).
This agenda was held to help Lecturers through
guidance and training in preparing community service proposals. It was attended
by twenty lecturers from various faculties at Uhamka, as well as Ghufron
Amirullah, M.Pd as the Head of the Institute for Community Service to the
people (LPPM). Also present was Prof. Yus Mochamad Cholily who was
present as a resource person who would raise the theme of Revision XIII Guide
In his report, Ghufron Amirullah said that
this activity as a series of lecturer development needed to be held to increase
their knowledge of community service proposals. In addition, Ghufron reported
that LPPM Uhamka already has good relations with several partner villages out
there, so LPPM will help lecturers who will do service out there.
“Currently we already have about 6 partner
villages, so lecturers don't have to worry about the affairs of these partners.
Uhamka is liked by partners out there because we are more action than talk, so
if fellow lecturers need us in the service process, we are ready to help fellow
lecturers," said Gufron.
At the end of his report, Gufron hopes that
this activity can be completed well, and fellow lecturers can apply what they
have learned to their respective faculties. He also reminded that lecturers
must be able to become multidisciplinary human by joining and socializing with
lecturers from other faculties.
In this agenda, Prof. Yus Mochamad Cholily as
the speaker person present that the revised Guide 13 had significant
differences with the previous proposal model. If the previous proposal was
divided into three groups. So, in the revision it was a combination of eleven
service groups which were reduced to three groups, namely Community, Regional,
and Entrepreneurship.
“These three groups support various other
programs within, for example, the community has a Community Partnership
Program, and a stimulus Community Partnership Program. In the regional field,
it is further divided into PPDN and the Superior Community Program. In the
field of entrepreneurship, many are directed to campus, then entrepreneurship
development and product development are carried out," he said.
In the other way, on this occasion he also
conveyed the objectives of community activities, including to build a group of
people who are economically and socially independent, help create peace, and
improve thinking skills.
"If we talk about KKN-PPM, it does have a
further goal, namely so that the lecturer's research can be applied in social
life, in addition to providing reinforcement and assistance to the
implementation of priority programs," he concluded.